达达兔午夜起神影院在线观看麻烦/免费大片黄手机在线观看/日韩美女视频一区/久久er这里只有精品 - 欧美精品福利视频


2021-12-30 16:49:53來源:北京市商務局

  • 城市:北京
  • 頒發時間:2021年12月29日
  • 發文字號:京商資發字〔2021〕14號
  • 發文機構:北京市商務局
  • 實施日期:
  • 效力級別:地方規范性文件
  • 類別:其他相關






??(聯系人:外資發展處 郝曉星;聯系電話:55579768)



  2.深化重點領域開放。在特定區域(自貿試驗區)取消應用商店的信息服務業務外資股比限制;爭取國家增值電信業務進一步開放試點,探索在自貿試驗區特定區域率先開放互聯網數據中心(IDC)等增值電信業務;積極爭取數字經濟、數字貿易領域開放政策在京先行先試。推進研究型醫院建設,鼓勵符合條件的外資企業參與“互聯網+醫療健康”創新發展;積極爭取外資獨資醫療機構開放政策在京落地。吸引一批國際頂(更多政策,請查閱中房網 www.dlhunqing.com)尖的會計、法律、建筑、管理咨詢、廣告等知名企業在京落地。推進職業教育國際合作示范項目,允許經營性職業技能培訓機構落戶。對外資高端制造類大型龍頭企業,符合國家鼓勵外商投資產業目錄的,可以納入本市重大外資項目專班,給予協調推進。積極落實國家發展改革委權限下放政策,對總投資3億美元以下鼓勵類外商投資項目進一步優化服務。(責任單位:市衛生健康委,市經濟和信息化局,市投資促進服務中心,市教委,市人力資源社會保障局,市發展改革委及相關部門和各區政府)

  6.提升開放平臺示范引領效應。開展“兩區”立法,深入開展投資貿易自由化便利化改革創新,增強自貿試驗區外資聚集效應。用好國家(更多政策,請查閱中房網 www.dlhunqing.com)級經濟技術開發區新一輪支持政策,優化生產要素配置,聚焦國際先進企業,鼓勵引導新一代信息技術、新能源汽車、生物技術和大健康、機器人和智能制造等主導產業在北京經濟技術開發區集聚發展。發揮國際國內協同創新優勢,搭建市場化、專業化產業服務平臺,打造國際化協同創新網絡,推動“三城一區”在集成電路、新材料、醫藥健康等重點領域融合創新,促進創新鏈、產業鏈、供應鏈“三鏈聯動”,引導高精尖產業集群發展。發揮綜合保稅區政策優勢,積極拓展保稅研發、租賃、維修等功能,重點發展先進制造、供應鏈管理、保稅服務等業務。推進中日、中德國際合作產業園建設,對接區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定等經貿協定,創新國際合作機制,支持園區建立健全對外招商引資、引智渠道,探索園區國際化建設模式,打造國際化環境。(責任單位:市“兩區”辦,市經濟和信息化局,市科委、中關村管委會,北京經濟技術開發區管委會及相關部門,有關區政府)


  14.豐富國際化消費供給。打造2至3個千億規模世界(更多政策,請查閱中房網 www.dlhunqing.com)級商圈,打造一批具有全球影響力的標志性商圈。吸引國內外一線品牌機構在京發展,大力引進國內外知名品牌首店、旗艦店、體驗店、定制中心,構建國際化優質商品供給體系。吸引更多國際化餐飲品牌落地北京,為在京外國人提供多樣化、品質化餐飲消費場所。釋放文旅消費潛力,挖掘文化資源優勢,打造北京文創品牌,提升“北京禮物”吸引力和影響力。搭建全球新品首發首秀活動平臺,打造時尚品牌活動風向標,全面提升北京國際電影節、北京國際音樂節、“電競北京”的國際影響力,積極引進和培育國際體育賽事,吸引國際知名體育機構落戶北京。優化交通、旅游、支付等配套服務,進一步提升商業服務業領域公共場所外語標識規范化水平,擦亮有溫度的“北京服務”品牌。對標國際建立統一、便民、高效的消費申訴和聯動處理機制,優化消費維權機制。(責任單位:北京培育建設國際消費中心城市領導小組相關成員單位)





Notice of Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau on the Issuance of Several Measures of Beijing Municipality to Further Strengthen the Work of Stabilizing Foreign Investment

??District People's Governments, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee, and relevant units:

??Several Measures of Beijing Municipality to Further Strengthen the Work of Stabilizing Foreign Investment has been approved by the municipal government and are hereby printed and distributed. Please organize and implement it carefully.

??It is hereby notified.

??Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau
December 9, 2021
Contact: Hao Xiaoxing, Division of Foreign Investment Development Office;
Tel: 55579768

Several Measures of Beijing Municipality to Further Strength the Work of Stabilizing Foreign Investment

??In order to implement the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China and related laws and regulations, carry out the decisions and arrangement of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening the use of foreign capital, further promote the capital city's higher level of opening-up to the outside world, improve the level of investment facilitation, strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors, promote foreign investment, speed up reform and development through opening-up, and promote the formation of a new pattern of all-round high-level opening-up in Beijing. Several measures to further promote foreign investment in this city are proposed as follows:

I. Further expand opening-up
1. Implement the national opening-up policy. We shall thoroughly maintain a system of pre-entry national treatment plus a negative list management for foreign investment, implement the special management measures for foreign investment access in the national version and the pilot free trade zone version, and accelerate the implementation of the opening-up policy in the finance and automobiles in Beijing. (Responsible organizations : Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, Beijing Local Financial Supervision and Administration, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, relevant departments and district governments)
2. Deepen the opening-up of key fields. We shall cancel the restrictions on the foreign shareholding ratio of information service businesses in application stores in certain areas (pilot free trade zones); strive to further open pilot programs for national value-added telecommunications services, and explore to be the first to open Internet Data Centers (IDCs) and other value-added telecommunications services in specific areas of pilot free trade zones; strive for the first trial of opening policies in the digital economy and trade in Beijing. We shall promote the construction of research hospitals, encourage qualified foreign-funded enterprises to participate in the innovative development of "Internet + medical health"; actively strive for the implementation of the opening-up policies of foreign wholly owned medical institutions in Beijing. We shall attract a number of top international accounting, legal, construction, management consulting, advertising enterprises to settle in Beijing, promote international cooperation projects for vocational education, and allow vocational training institutions to settle in Beijing. Large-scale foreign-funded manufacturing enterprises, which meet the national directory of foreign-funded industries encouraged by the state, can be included in the city's special projects for coordinated advancement. We shall actively implement the decentralization policy of the National Development and Reform Commission, and further optimize services for foreign investment projects with a total investment of less than $300 million. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Health Commission, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Beijing Municipal Investment Promotion Service Center, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, relevant departments and district governments)
3. Explore the construction of a modern and open system. We shall promote the construction of the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for the Expansion and Opening of the National Service Industry (hereinafter referred to as the "Two Zones"), play the role of the expansion of the opening test field, benchmark the highest standards and best practices, and select key areas that are in line with the national strategy, large international market demand, and high degree of openness, and carry out tailored explorations. Based on the full implementation of the "Two Zones" tasks approved by the State Council and the city's "9 key areas + 17 districts + 4 key elements" plan, with the opening-up of the entire industry chain in key areas and the reform of all links as a breakthrough, we shall create a capital opening system with a higher level of rule-based and institutional opening, stronger industrial international cooperation competitiveness, and a more balanced regional opening-up layout. (Responsible organizations: the Beijing "Two Zones" Office, relevant departments and district governments)

II. Gather high-end and high-quality resources across the global
4. Create a higher-level headquarters economy. We shall implement the Relevant Provisions of Beijing Municipality on Promoting the High-quality Development of Headquarters Enterprises and related supporting measures. Foreign investors are encouraged to set up regional headquarters of multinational companies and various functional institutions in the city to support their business, expand functions, and upgrade to Asia-Pacific headquarters and global headquarters. Qualified regional headquarters of multinational companies shall enjoy facilitation measures such as financial incentives, entry and exit of key personnel, and customs clearance of goods. With innovative measures, we shall continue to do a good job in the introduction and service of regional headquarters and various functional institutions of multinational companies. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, relevant departments and district governments)
5. Encourage foreign capital to establish R&D centers. We shall study and formulate relevant incentive policies and measures for the establishment of foreign-funded R&D centers in Beijing to enhance the global resources allocation and scientific and technological innovation policy source function. Foreign investors are welcome to set up R&D innovation centers, R&D headquarters, innovation platforms, and foreign-funded R&D institutions are encouraged to participate in the city's public service platform construction and government science and technology plan projects. Eligible foreign-funded R&D centers enjoy the same treatment as domestic-funded institutions, and enjoy a series of facilitation measures in terms of industrialization of R&D achievements, international and domestic patent applications, import of R&D supplies, and entry and exit. We shall implement the national tax reduction and exemption policies on technological innovation, and implement preferential policies such as the pre-tax deduction of research and development expenses and tax reduction and exemption for imported equipment for qualified foreign-invested enterprises. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau, Beijing Municipal Tax Service and relevant departments)
6. Enhance the demonstration and leading effect of the open platform. We shall carry out the legislation of "Two Zones," in-depth reform and innovation of investment and trade liberalization and facilitation, and enhance the accumulation of foreign capital in the pilot free trade zone. We shall make good use of the new round of supporting policies for national economic and technological development zones, optimize the allocation of production factors, focus on international advanced enterprises, and encourage and guide the development of leading industries such as a new generation of information technology, new energy vehicles, biotechnology and health, robotics and intelligent manufacturing in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area. We shall give full play to the advantages of international and domestic innovation, build a market-oriented and specialized industrial service platform, create an international collaborative innovation network, and promote the integration and innovation of the "three cities and one district" in key areas such as integrated circuits, new materials, medicine and health, and promote the innovation chains, promote the "three-chain interaction" of innovation chain, industrial chain and supply chain, and guide the development of high, precision and advanced industrial clusters. We shall give full play to the policy advantages of the comprehensive bonded area, actively expand the functions of bonded R&D, leasing and maintenance, and focus on the development of advanced manufacturing, supply chain management, and bonded services. We shall promote the construction of China-Japan and China-Germany international cooperation industrial parks, dock with regional comprehensive economic partnership agreements and other economic and trade agreements, reform international cooperation mechanisms, support the parks to establish and improve channels for foreign investment and intelligence, explore the internationalization of the parks. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal "Two Zones" Office, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee, relevant departments and district governments)

III. Optimize the development environment of foreign-invested enterprises
7. Promote the facilitation of trade investment and financing. We will implement pilot projects for multinational companies' domestic and foreign currency fund pools, and implement prudential management of cross-border capital flows. We will steadily promote the pilot program for facilitation of foreign exchange receipts and payments in trade, and further expand the scope of pilot banks and pilot companies for facilitation. We shall also optimize and upgrade the facilitation policy of capital project income payment in the city, and promote banks to adopt document consolidation, online processing and other methods. The foreign debt facilitation policy in Zhongguancun Haidian Park shall be upgraded, and enterprises registered in the park that meet the required conditions may enjoy the foreign debt facilitation pilot policy increased from $5 million to $10 million. We shall support eligible enterprises in the 16 parks and 1 zone of the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to use foreign debt funds for qualified equity investments (except for real estate investment). We shall relax the requirement that the contracted currency, withdrawal currency and repayment currency of corporate foreign debts must be consistent, but the withdrawal currency and repayment currency must be the same. The registration of foreign debt cancellation, domestic guarantee foreign loan cancellation, and overseas loan cancellation registrations shall be delegated to banks. Beijing local banks are encouraged to continuously improve cross-border financial services, and provide facilitation services for high-quality and credible corporate goods trade, service trade cross-border RMB settlement, and domestic use of capital account RMB income in compliance with laws and regulations. The review process of foreign exchange receipts and payments documents will be optimized, and the procedures for the purchase and payment of foreign exchange, receipt and settlement and transfer of foreign exchange under trade in goods and services will be handled in accordance with the principles of business development, facilitating true and compliant cross-border trade foreign exchange receipts and payments. The role of financial support in stabilizing foreign investment will be strengthened, the docking of banks and other financial institutions with foreign-funded enterprises will be strengthened, and investment, loan and financing service mechanisms will be established for key foreign-funded enterprises and projects. (Responsible departments: Operations Office (Beijing) of the People's Bank of China, Beijing Office of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, and Beijing Local Financial Supervision and Administration)
8. Further improve the facilitation of customs clearance. We shall guide and support more foreign-funded enterprises to apply for AEO certification and enjoy more customs clearance convenience, and create an open and transparent customs clearance environment, publish the online and offline air port operation service charge list in unison, update it regularly, so that there are no additional fees charged and the cost of customs clearance can be reduced. We will also accelerate the expansion of the "single window" function from port customs clearance enforcement to the entire chain of logistics and service trade, promote measures such as "declaration in advance" and "two-step declaration" to further reduce the time and improve the efficiency of customs clearance. (Responsible departments: Beijing Customs, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau and relevant departments)
9. Make use of preferential tax policies. We shall publicize and implement preferential policies such as no withholding income tax on foreign investors' direct investment by distributing profits. We shall implement the preferential policies for technology transfer enterprise income tax pilot projects in specific areas of the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone (including Chaoyang Park, Haidian Park, Fengtai Park, Shunyi Park, Daxing-Yizhuang Park and Changping Park). Companies that do not exceed 20 million yuan in a tax year are exempt from corporate income tax; those that exceed 20 million yuan are levied on corporate income tax by half. When a high-tech enterprise above designated size engaged in R&D in areas such as integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biomedicine and key materials who meet the requirement that the total R&D expenses incurred in China for more than one year and accounted for not less than 50% of the total R&D expenses shall be subject to "report and approval", and shall be recognized as a high-tech enterprise which enjoy income tax preferential policies and other policies in accordance with the regulations. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau, Beijing Municipal Tax Service, Beijing Municipal Talent Bureau, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, Beijing Customs, relevant departments and district governments)
10. Standardize the orderly relocation of enterprises. We will respect the wishes of enterprises, support them in accordance with the wishes of business development, independent and orderly relocation within the city, and shall not set obstacles to their cross-regional relocation; When an enterprise applies for a change of registration, the market supervision, taxation and other departments shall handle it in a timely manner in accordance with laws and regulations. The Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau (City Finance Office) shall take the lead in organizing and coordinating relevant departments to implement the corporate relocation service, share financial and tax benefits across districts, and balance the interests of moving-in and moving-out districts. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau, Beijing Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation Administration, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision and Administration, Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee, and district governments)

IV. Optimize life services for foreign investors
11. Optimize education services. We shall increase the supply of high-quality educational resources, improve the layout of international schools, and introduce a number of international schools in talent-intensive areas, so as to provide international education and meet the needs of the children of international talents. We shall decentralize the approval and management authority of schools for children of foreign personnel, reduce the red tapes and simplify the procedures; relax restrictions on sponsors, and allow domestic social organizations and individuals to run schools for children of foreign personnel. Primary and secondary schools will be encouraged in accepting children of foreign personnel to enroll in accordance with the relevant regulations. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Beijing Municipal Talent Bureau,  relevant departments, district governments, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee)
12. Enhance medical security. Beijing has planned to build several international hospitals. It will also support qualified medical institutions to provide international medical services. We shall explore the international medical consortium and improve the new medical service model integrating institutional cooperation and hierarchical diagnosis and treatment. We shall strengthen the health services of communities where foreign-funded enterprises and employees are located, and provide medical services, explore the establishment of an international pre-hospital emergency service system, and improve the overall level of medical emergency. We shall also strengthen foreign-related service capabilities, support pilot hospitals to employ foreign medical aids and foreign medical guides that meet the working conditions of foreigners in China, strengthen foreign language training for medical staff, and comprehensively improve foreign language services. Foreign employees and employees of foreign companies can participate in the city's basic medical insurance and enjoy equal medical benefits. The effective connection of commercial health insurance and basic medical insurance shall be promoted; The cooperation and docking of commercial insurance and medical institutions shall be enhanced, and real-time settlement will be carried out. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Health Commission, Beijing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, relevant departments, district governments, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee)
13. Improve the facilitation of life services. The online registration of temporary accommodation for foreigners shall be promoted. Permanent residence ID cards will be promoted in railways, civil affairs, social security, banks, real estate registration, hospitals, parks and other systems. For high-level foreign talents, innovative entrepreneurs, and high-level talents from Hong Kong and Macao who have obtained permanent residence in China or hold work-type residence permits can apply for residence permit for private affairs of corresponding period for their employed foreign domestic services personnel ("housekeeping services"). A pilot program for facilitation of the personal foreign exchange business of foreign talents in China will be implemented to meet their real and compliant personal foreign exchange needs. Foreign exchange purchase procedures for overseas individuals working in China will be further simplified. For those who go to the same bank to purchase foreign exchange for legal salary income during the validity period of the labor contract, the pilot bank may be exempted from reviewing repetitive materials based on the initial processing situation. The implementation of the pilot program for delegating the registration, modification and cancellation of equity incentives for foreign employees participating in domestic listed companies to banks will be accelerated. Foreign-funded enterprises enjoy the same treatment as domestic-funded enterprises when connecting with affordable rental housing in the area where the enterprise is located. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Beijing Office of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Beijing Municipal Talent Bureau, Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other relevant departments)
14. Enrich the supply of international consumption. Build two to three world-class business clusters with a trade volume of 100 billion yuan, and create a number of iconic business clusters with global influence. It will attract domestic and foreign leading brands to develop in Beijing, and introduce the first stores, flagship stores, experience stores, and customer centers of well-known domestic and foreign brands to build an international high-quality product supply system. It will also attract more international catering brands to Beijing, and provide diversified and high-quality consumption places for foreigners in Beijing. The potential of cultural tourism consumption will be released, the cultural resources will be tapped, and enhance the appeal and influence of "Beijing Gifts." We will build a global platform for the debuts of new products, create a fashion plate, and enhance the international influence of Beijing International Film Festival, Beijing International Music Festival and "e-sports Beijing", actively introduce and cultivate international sports events, and attract internationally renowned sports organizations to settle in Beijing. We shall optimize transportation, tourism, payment and other supporting services, improve the standardization of foreign language signs in public places, and light up the "Beijing Service" brand with warmth. We shall also establish a unified, convenient and efficient consumer appeal and linkage handling mechanism in line with international practices, and optimize the consumer rights protection mechanism. (Responsible departments: relevant member units of Beijing Cultivation and Construction of International Consumption Center City Leading Group)

V. Promote the attraction of capital and talents
15. Optimize the talent service system. We shall promote the talent service system of "handle it immediately after landing, handle it before landing, and handle it on behalf of others through the whole process" to build a service network for foreign talents. Eligible Chinese employees of foreign-funded enterprises can apply for an APEC business travel card. The mode of handling certificates for foreign talents will be reformed, and gradually realizes the city-wide visa handling as well as the joint handling of the "two certificates in one". The examination and approval procedures for foreign talents coming to Beijing for employment will be optimized, and the pre-examination of work permits for foreigners will be gradually delegated to further streamline administration and delegate powers to improve service efficiency. We shall apply for permanent residence certificates for qualified foreign talents, and develop the "E-Beijing" application to create a "one-stop" service platform for foreign talents. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Talent Bureau, Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Beijing Overseas Talents Center, Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Beijing Customs)
16. Attract international talents with vocational qualifications to work in Beijing. We shall comprehensively sort out the valuable and high-quality overseas vocational qualifications, establish a positive list, encourage more foreigners who hold overseas vocational qualifications on the list to come to work in Beijing, and provide convenience in work permits and entry and exit. According to the relevant national policies and the demand for overseas professionals in the building of the "Two Zones", a catalogue of professional qualification examinations that foreign personnel can declare will be dynamically launched to attract professionals from the globe to work in Beijing. We shall actively strive for policy breakthroughs and explore pilot projects for mutual recognition of work permits for foreigners from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Beijing Overseas Talents Center, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Beijing Municipal Health Commission, Beijing Local Municipal Financial Supervision and Administration, Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau and other vocational qualification industry authorities)
17. Optimize talent supporting services. We will combine the investment, tax payment, technological innovation of foreign-funded enterprises in Beijing, and provide precise support for the introduction of talents based on the amount of contribution and transformation effects. We will also increase our efforts to handle the introduction and settlement of residence permits and work and residence permits for senior executives and professional technical talents in certain industries that are in line with Beijing's development policies. For the settlement of talents in urgent need of special skills and professionals in this city, the age limit may be appropriately relaxed for those who have outstanding achievements and contributions. We shall provide visa facilities for high-end talents in R&D, practice, exhibition, exchange and training. Special windows and green channels for the approval of entry articles and fast handling of goods approval and customs clearance procedures are set up for high-end foreign talents. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Talent Bureau, Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Operations Office of the People's Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau and other relevant departments)

VI. Optimize foreign investment promotion services
18. Improve the investment promotion system. We shall strengthen the guidance of the city's investment promotion work, coordinate the city's investment promotion activities, formulate medium and long-term plans for investment promotion, and implement target and anticipated adjustments to the district's investment work. We shall establish an investment promotion mechanism for urban planning and horizontal linkage, aiming at the global top 500, leading enterprises in key fields, and hidden champions in the industry, and strive to introduce foreign-funded enterprises that meet the functional positioning of the capital city. We shall also explore new paths for social investment promotion services and improve the market-oriented operation of investment promotion activities. We will promote the combination of investment promotion and going abroad (border) business trips, and give priority to key guarantees for overseas (border) economic and trade groups that have substantive investment promotion tasks in all districts and units. We shall encourage all districts, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, and functional parks to combine regional characteristics and resource conditions to issue supporting special policies to support the development of foreign investment and promote investment promotion as well as to integrate and establish a "city-level unification + district characteristics" investment policy service package for key industries and key regions. The consulting service function of the 12345 corporate service hotline will be strengthened to provide accurate policy inquiry and consulting interpretation services to foreign companies; Districts will be encouraged to implement more flexible incentive measures for investment promotion departments and non-civil servant positions. We shall strengthen training and build a high-level and professional talent team for investment promotion. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Investment Promotion Service Center, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, relevant departments, district governments, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee)
19. Further improve investment convenience. We shall build a one-stop online service platform, relying on the government's international portal website to create a one-stop, multilingual internet service platform integrating policy release, public services, consulting and exchanges, and publish a list of space resources for foreign investment and provide full-process foreign investment services focusing on investment guidance, investment landing, investment promotion, and investment services. We shall regularly compile and publish foreign investment guidelines, annual foreign investment reports and other guidelines to provide policy information services and convenience for foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises. All districts should draw investing Beijing maps based on actual conditions, provide convenient inquiry and site selection functions for foreign investors, and compile and publish guidelines for foreign investment in their respective regions. We will strengthen cooperation with international professional institutions, focusing on key industries such as financial technology, asset management, digital economy, and biomedicine, and do a good job in the publicity and interpretation of policies that foreign-funded enterprises generally pay attention to, such as investment access, financial support, industrial support, tax incentives and talent policies. The decentralization of administrative approval powers to the pilot free trade zone will be promoted, giving full play to the role of the open platform as the main position for attracting foreign investment. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Administration of Government Services, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, Beijing Municipal Investment Promotion Service Center, Beijing Municipal Commission Office of Public Sectors Reform, related departments, district governments, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee)
20. Support for key projects. We shall give full play to the service housekeeper and service package mechanism, the government-enterprise docking mechanism, the coordination and scheduling mechanism, and the project promotion commissioner mechanism, provide full-process services for major projects and key enterprises, and track the entire process of project negotiation, signing, registration and operation, and coordinate and solve problems and difficulties in the process of project advancement in a timely manner. For new foreign investment or capital increase projects that conform to the regional function positioning, each district and Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area may give rewards based on their contribution to the economy and society of the region. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Investment Promotion Service Center, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform and relevant municipal departments, district governments, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee)

VII. Protect the legal rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises
21. In-depth implementation of foreign investment laws and regulations. We shall strengthen the publicity and interpretation of the Foreign Investment Law and its supporting regulations and policies, and implement the foreign investment information reporting system. To formulate administrative normative documents involving foreign investment, the opinions of foreign-invested enterprises and relevant chambers of commerce and industry associations shall be solicited in advance, and legality reviews shall be conducted in accordance with regulations. The district governments shall strictly honor the policy commitments made to investors and foreign-invested enterprises in accordance with the law, and perform various contracts signed in accordance with the law in activities such as investment promotion. We shall continuously improve the complaint mechanism for foreign-invested enterprises, and in accordance with the requirements of the Beijing Municipality Measures for the Administration of Complaints by Foreign-invested Enterprises (Revised), properly resolve outstanding issues in complaints from foreign-invested enterprises, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises and their investors. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, relevant departments, district governments, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Management Committee)
22. Improve the work mechanism of intellectual property protection. Beijing's Action Plan on Strengthening the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights will be implemented to construct an intellectual property protection model that integrates standardized management and strict law enforcement, which shall continuously improve the intellectual property protection system of judicial and administrative law enforcement. We shall improve the intellectual property protection system of the exhibition, organize and implement the intellectual property registration system of exhibited products and the non-infringement commitment system of exhibitors. We will do a good job in the protection of intellectual property rights in large-scale exhibitions such as the China International Fair for Trade in Service (CIFITS), and protect the legitimate interests of intellectual property rights holders of domestic and foreign exhibitors. The Beijing Intellectual Property Protection Center's "one-stop" resolution mechanism shall be improved, promoting the rapid pre-examination and rights protection of patents in the new generation of information technology and high-end equipment manufacturing industries continuously. We shall give full play to the role of intellectual property brand service agencies and the Beijing (Zhongguancun) International Intellectual Property Service Hall to effectively improve the quality and capabilities of the city's intellectual property services. Protection measures for enterprises in the pilot free trade zone shall be formulated to promote the continuous upgrading of technology and industry, and to create a good innovation and entrepreneurial ecology. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office, Beijing Municipal Higher People's Court, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision and Administration, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Copyright)
23. Support foreign-invested enterprises to participate in standardization work. Foreign-invested enterprises can enjoy the same treatment as domestic-funded enterprises in terms of participating in the standardization work of this city. Foreign-invested enterprises in Beijing that lead the formulation and revision of international standards, national standards, industry standards, local standards and group standards that comply with the Administrative Measures for the Implementation of Capital Standardization Strategy Subsidy Funds and the Beijing's Key Development of Technical Standard Fields and Key Standard Directions may apply for capital standardization strategy subsidy funds. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision and Administration and relevant departments)
24. Fair participation of foreign-invested enterprises in government procurement. The city's unified full-process electronic government procurement platform shall be established, and the functions of online bidding, procurement review, contract signing, performance acceptance, credit evaluation, and fund payment shall be improved. All districts and relevant departments shall not limit the supplier's ownership form, organizational form, equity structure or investor country, and product or service brand in terms of government procurement information release, supplier condition determination, bid evaluation standards. The fair participation of foreign-invested enterprises in government procurement will be guaranteed in accordance with the law. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau, relevant departments, and district governments)
25. Improve the supervision system during and after the event of foreign investment. We shall implement the Implementation Plan for Strengthening and Standardizing Interim and Ex-post Supervision in Beijing to promote and deepen "Internet plus Supervision", "Double Randoms, One Disclosure" supervision, credit supervision, key supervision and inclusive prudential supervision and other supervision methods and methods. We shall regulate the exercise of the discretionary power of administrative penalties, and strictly follow the harmfulness of the illegal acts and the specific circumstances to implement file-based and step-by-step judgments to avoid unusually severe penalties. We shall strictly implement the administrative law enforcement, the whole-process of law enforcement records, and the legal review system for major law enforcement decisions to create a standardized and transparent supervision system. (Responsible departments: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision and Administration, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice, Beijing Municipal Administration of Government Services, relevant departments and district governments)

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